
Having the good fortune of being born amid the vibrant flowers and fabrics of India, design and art have always been at the core of my life. Since my childhood, I was naturally drawn to the rich beauty of nature in the mountains, rivers, and tea and coffee plantations surrounding me. Although I started off as a science major, my heart was always that of an artist and a poet.

I was 12 years old when I started wearing clothes I designed. After settling in America as an adult, I had a boutique where I designed clothes for several years. But my artistic vision does not stop at clothes – from interiors to floral arrangement to now, fine art, my passion for design has always been intrinsic to who I am.

To draw and paint was always my secretly held, long-deferred dream. Finally, after the joy of raising my three beautiful children and sending the youngest off to college in 2012, my secret dream came to fruition! I started to paint in oils. My first and only teacher was the great Margo Lennartz. Aside from workshops now and again, I have pretty much learned to paint on my own. As fate would have it, I won an award on my very first entry into an art show and that gave me the boost that every artist awaits!

My paintings represent a deep emotion I feel at that specific sight and moment: The melody of gold, orange, and purples of the California skies through fall and winter, the calm quiet of the soft ocean waves caressing the sandy beach as the mighty ocean retrieves them back ever so gently, or the thrashing wave as it breaks on a rock and awakens my heart. The magnificent mountains beckon me to think deep and high. My heart gets ecstatic to see the moving clouds, the glorious sun and moon doing their magic on the ocean and the mountains. I humbly try to capture this beauty in my paintings and transcend this to my viewers. These earthly sights awaken my soul and affirm the presence of the divine in their beauty.

I paint from my heart to nurture my soul. I paint the lands and seas of California where I live, and the beauty I bring home from travels around the world. I’m also very passionate about the architecture of old dwellings and mosques, making it my other favorite subject to paint.

I’m now an award-winning artist featured in many art galleries: Segal’s Art Gallery, Galleria Gitana, Diggs Art Gallery, White’s Art Gallery, Burbank Creative Art Center, to name a few.

I am a member of the Glendale Art Association, California Art Club and Oil Painters of America.